
Cretan Dakos is an Authentic Greek recipe from the island of Crete, which was passed down by my grandmothers. It is one of my favorite recipes to make and will often make it to our holiday menus. Cretan Dakos or Ntakos, is often served as a side or appetizer but can also be a hearty meal on its own.

As summer approaches, the Mediterranean people tend to eat lighter meals that include fresh, local ingredients. Tomatoes begin to ripen during this time of year, which makes them ideal for this recipe. Make sure to use Greek extra virgin olive oil for more authentic results!

Authentic Greek Ingredients

Authentic Greek Cretan Dakos is originally prepared with barley rusk, which has many health benefits. It is very low in fat and extremely high in fiber, making its digestion easier even than other types of breads.


Barley rusks have been among Greeks’ favorite ingredients since ancient years because they can be stored for longer periods due and their high nutritional value. They are full of vitamins B, minerals and amino acids, which act as antioxidants. Additionally, they contain chemical elements such as silicon and chromium which help our bones and regulate our blood sugar levels.

Tomatoes on their own won’t cover your recommended daily intake in calories but they are an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. They are a great source of fibers for our digestive systems and minerals. Tomatoes are antioxidants because of their high content in vitamin B and lycopene. Vitamins B and calcium in tomatoes contribute to a healthier function of cells and the cardiovascular system, while the more red the tomato, the higher its lycopene content.

Also known from ancient years as liquid gold, Greek extra virgin olive oil is an essential ingredient of the Mediterranean diet. It contains polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids, with antioxidant, vasodilator, antihypertensive, antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties, that significantly prevent lipid build-up in blood vessels.

Greek sea salt contains all of the minerals that have been striped off from table salt and much less sodium, as it requires less amounts to give taste to our food. Salt is essential for the proper functioning of our systems.

Greek oregano, Kalamon olives and feta cheese, usually go together in the authentic Greek cuisine. Greek oregano has antioxidant and antibacterial properties and has been used in culinary and medicine since ancient times.


Kalamon olives contain about 212 calories per 100 grams and they are extremely hearty on their own. They have the ability to protect from heart diseases and type 2 diabetes as well as act against cell aging with their antioxidant properties.

Feta cheese is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and protein, which all contribute to healthier bones. Additionally, it contains the probiotic Lactobacillus, a bacteria with anti-inflammatory properties and beneficial effects to the immune system.

Now that you know the benefits of authentic Greek ingredients, make sure you use them when preparing this dish.

Authentic Greek Cretan Dakos


  • 4 Dry Barley Rusks

  • Kardamas Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 4 Medium Ripen Sweet Tomatoes

  • 1 Cup Feta Cheese or Mizithra Cheese

  • Kardamas Greek Oregano

  • Kardamas Greek Sea Salt (to taste)

  • Kalamon Olives (for the topping)

  • Capers (optional)


First, grind the tomatoes down and throw out the skins. If you prefer a thicker texture, you can cut them in tiny cubes instead. Prepare your feta or mizithra cheese by crumbling it with your hands.


Next, run cold water on each barley rusk for a few seconds to soften them and place them on a serving plate to soften. Keep in mind that they will soften gradually in the tomato puree and extra virgin olive oil either way, so don’t over soak them, even if you still feel them hard.

Then, pour Greek extra virgin olive oil to cover the whole surface of each barley rusk. Be generous! Let the barley rusks soak the oil for 1-2 minutes. While it’s soaking, carefully spoon your tomato sauce on top of each barley rusk.

Now, sprinkle Greek sea salt and a little bit of oregano, while crumbling more feta or mizithra cheese with your hands to cover the whole surface again. Then, add more oregano then top it off with a Kalamon olive or capers for visual perfection! Finally, drizzle extra virgin olive oil on top and chow down!

This authentic Greek Cretan Dakos recipe is very simple and quick to prepare. It also offers many health benefits. It can be eaten as an appetizer or even as a main dish! Like many Mediterranean recipes, it focuses on local and fresh ingredients of exceptional quality, so be sure to use only the best ingredients you can find.

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