
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! As we run around last minute and to prepare the table, our little ones may be feeling a little bored. Make the best of your holidays with your kids and give them a fun Thanksgiving craft while they wait for the holiday festivities to start.

Engaging & Hands-on Thanksgiving Craft

There is something alluring about sea salt paintings. If done right, they can give paintings a magical feel! Kids will love to sprinkle it like fairy dust! They will enjoy creating 3D versions of their favorite pictures and working with their hands. Even adults will enjoy this creative Thanksgiving craft. So don’t be shy and give it a go even if you don’t no kids!


Watercolors are perfect for sea salt painting as they absorb the color into its crystals and creates a 3D effect. For a more vivid colors when painting with watercolors, remember to apply layers for more saturation of the colors. Additionally, watercolors blend perfectly together and the result becomes more awesome by adding sea salts. Be sure to use natural sea salt as it’s thicker, easier to apply and give more substantial look.

Thanksgiving Craft Materials

Before we get started, we’ll need all the necessary materials. Most of these items can be found around the house but some will require a trip to the local art supply store.

Here’s what you’ll need for your this sea salt creation:

  • Sea salt 

  • Watercolors or Food Coloring

  • Paintbrushes

  • Coloring pages or your own drawings on a thicker paper

  • White glue

  • Cup of Water


Step-by-Step Sea Salt Painting Thanksgiving Craft

1. You can either find thanksgiving coloring pages on the internet or have your kids draw their own pictures like fall leaves, pumpkins or turkeys! Remember, you’ll need them printed or drawn on thick paper, since they’ll be working with paint. I suggest letting them draw their own painting if you have more time on your hands to kill!

2. Use a generous amount of white glue to trace around the lines of your drawings. This will help stick the sea salts onto the paper and keep it from falling off your painting.

3. Now it’s time to sprinkle the sea salts onto the glue lines you have previously traced. Be sure to cover all the glue with sea salt or it won’t look complete and will look bad. Leave it to dry for at least 15 minutes then shake the paper to remove the access sea salt that wasn’t glued on.


4. Time for watercolor painting! Take a clean paintbrush and dip it into clean water. Let the brush drip a bit before dipping into watercolor. Then carefully dap the paint on top of the sea salts. To use a different color, remember to use a different brush as to not mix the colors. Try not rush the painting process and watch as the colors get absorbed into the sea salts and spread along the crystals.

5. Place the paintings to dry completely. This may take a while depending on how many layers of paint your applied. The thicker the paint, the longer it will take to dry.

Accessorize Your Thanksgiving Craft

Once dried, your creation is ready to be displayed! You can use it to decorate or add more to your Thanksgiving craft. To make it a more active project, you can have your kids go outside and gather fall leaves while waiting for the paint to dry. Once dried, they can glue the leaves onto the artwork to bling it up! Did I mention this will get them outdoors and out of your hair?


So have some fun with your kids and try this fun Thanksgiving craft. Keep them busy while decorating your home with their beautiful creations! Also, keep in mind, although these ideas are inspired by Thanksgiving and Fall, it can be applied to any holiday or theme!

Try this Thanksgiving craft & buy sea salts here.