
New Year is just around the corner and most of us want to lose a few extra pounds, for their New Years’ resolution. But weight loss is not an easy and it’s harder if you don’t know what you are doing wrong. The unsuccessful efforts to get rid of excess pounds is usually a combination of different factors, such as diet, physical condition and lifestyle, that could lead us to the opposite of the desired effects.

5 Most Common Ways to Prevent Weight Gain


1. Decrease Portion Size

When you exercise, you burn more calories. This is why exercise is so important in weight loss.

But, many people overestimate how many calories they have burned, and even worse, they use the excuse: "I have exercised today"; an excuse that can lead to overeating.

And in most cases, we have overestimated how many calories we burn in one hour of physical exercise, while at the same time, we underestimate how many calories a portion of food actually has.


2. Eat Healthier!

Everyone can eat better, even people who follow a rather healthy diet. Nobody wants to admit or even try tackling an inconvenient assault to your taste buds, with a strict diet - so don’t!

Eat what makes sense to you! Just make sure you eat lots of vegetables and fruits, and cut down your protein and diary intake.

Watch out and stay away from those sugary drinks! They add to your calorie and sugar intake very quickly.


3. Find the Right Type of Exercise

If you exercise, you are already taking a very important step that helps to improve your health and fitness. Any type of exercise will help you burn calories and help you with weight loss. But when it comes to a comprehensive and systematic effort to lose weight, you need to follow a more dynamic workout. This will reduce the amount of muscle loss that occurs during increased weight loss. Dynamic training also burns the most calories!


4. Be Patient with Yourself

Many people strictly adhere to a diet and exercise program for a full week, only to weigh in the end and find out that that they have failed to lose weight.  

This can be frustrating and make one give up!

The truth is that it takes about four weeks to see the difference in the scale. So, all you have to do is give yourself four weeks-time to see the results, before abandoning the effort.


5. Get an Annual Check Up

When you are concerned about your health, you should make sure to check in with your doctor at least once a year. To truly respect your body, you need to keep tabs of what’s going on physically so you are aware of any underlying medical conditions. Perhaps a hormonal imbalance or disorder, usually in the thyroid, can effect your weight gain.

So the only way to find out, is to visit an your doctor on a regular basis. Remember to book your annual check up every year!


6. Stay Stress-free

Keep in mind high levels of anxiety, can lead us to gain weight instead of losing.  Some tend to eat more and others chose an unhealthy food alternative.

So for best weight loss results, try to stay stress-free and in control of your eating habits.

Hopefully this list will assist you in your New Years’ resolutions to lose weight. Remember these 6 simple tips on how to prevent weight gain and good luck!

For more weight loss information, check out:

The Mediterranean Diet

Boost Your Metabolism

What Is The Correct Way to Weight?