
Have you ever returned from the beach and your hair felt so great that you didn't want to wash them because you'd ruin their naturally messy look? Indeed, that happens because of the sea salt that’s in the seawater, which thickens the hair as it enters through the cuticles. So when our hair dries with natural sea salt on, it has that beach wavy feel we all love, that reminds us of our times during summer holidays. People living near the water know this and here in Greece, we like to say that the sea is our hair stylist!

But what about those times that you can’t go to the beach? Or maybe you’re living too far away? Nowadays, there are many hair products out there and one can find exactly what works best for them between all those. But would you buy a hair product that’s basically water and sea salt? In this article, we will show you how to make your own natural sea salt spray properly, so you’ll never need to pay again for that!



You’ll definitely see benefits from using natural sea salt spray for your hair, whether you have curly, straight, oily, even thin hair. Using sea salt spray on curly hair will separate hair strides into nice and smooth waves that hold together longer without styling tools. On straight hair, sea salt spray will add natural volume and slight waves to your hair, but don’t expect to see huge curls out of nowhere. Now, if you have oily hair and struggle washing them everyday to keep them from looking greasy, you’ll love this! Be careful not to overdo it though, as sea salt tends to absorb the natural oils that are produced by our bodies’ glands to protect our skin, known as sebum. Natural sea salt hair spray will help keep your hair flake-less and will prevent fungal growth, resulting in a flawless look! As for thin and flat, ‘lifeless’ hair, spraying a bit of sea salt on the roots will lift them up and will make them seem as if you have grown more hair!

However, in cases where you have dry or bleached hair, we don’t recommend using natural sea salt spray very often.



Applying natural sea salt on your scalp and hair has its benefits, mostly regarding looks. You should be aware that using it everyday will not do you any good, especially if you have dry or bleached hair. As sea salt draws moisture out of hair, your hair will look more dry, frizzy and ends will break easier. Also, keep in mind that curly hair tends to dehydrate quicker, so moderation is key.

Additionally, the awesome style it gives to our hair excites us and makes us want to keep those hair a little longer from washing them. It’s okay to stay 2-3 days with salty hair, but more than that? Your hair will start looking heavy, sticky and dirty, completely the opposite of what you were trying to achieve!

It is always recommended to use conditioning products after you’re done with salty hair. For even better results, try one of our extra virgin olive oil hair treatments, they are great for dry hair!



You won’t need much as this is a very simple and effective way to style your hair in a natural way. These are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 1 spray bottle

  • 1/2 cup of water

  • 1-2 tablespoons natural sea salt

  • 2-3 drops of extra virgin olive oil or almond oil (optional use for drier hair)

  • 2-3 drops of your preferred essential oil for fragrance

First, you’ll need to heat the water and bring it to simmer. Pour the water into the spray bottle. It’s better to use a spray bottle, that way you can store your mixture for future uses.

Then, you’ll need to add the natural sea salt and the oils and shake well until it has all become one.

Spray your hair or scalp depending on what you’re trying to achieve. For example, with greasy hair, you’ll want to use it as dry shampoo mostly on your scalp. If you’re going for the beach waves, then use your natural sea salt spray directly on your hair. You can even apply it on your hands and play with your hair, as if styling it. Feel free to adjust the ingredients according to what suits your needs best. With oily hair for example, you might need less amount of oils in your mixture and with dry hair, you might need even less sea salt.

You can store this for up to a month if you wish, but there’s no reason for this, really.

And remember to wash your spray bottle often, along with the spray tube as well, so that it won’t get clogged!


Now, you know how to make your own natural sea salt hair spray to achieve that sexy boho look you’ve missed so much from the summer! Remember to use it in moderation and with enough conditioning, as frequent use can dry and damage your hair.

Don’t forget to visit our shop for natural sea salt and more natural products from Greece.