
Honey is globally one of the most valuable products of nature for beauty, cosmetic and wellness products. It has antioxidant and rejuvenating properties, and it does wonders in treating various ailments. Combined with other natural substances, honey enhances their properties, while its moisturizing and conditioning properties are widely known in the beauty industry. Therefore it is often found as an ingredient in cosmetic products.


Honey offers many benefits to our body, due to its high concentration in proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. When used topically, it offers protection due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant and antifungal properties, it nourishes and moisturizes dry skin and hair, while its anti-aging properties help the skin maintain its youth and elasticity. The enzymes found in honey can work as antiseptic to our skin for deep facial cleaning and help remove acne.



  1. Hair conditioner: Apply 10ml of pure olive oil mixed with 5ml of bee's honey on hair and rinse after 15 minutes

  2. Hair lustre: Rinse hair with 5ml of bee's honey mixed with 4 cups of warm water

  3. Facial moisturizer: Apply 2 tbsp of honey mixed with 2 tbsp of whole milk on face and rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water and then rinse again with cold water.

  4. Face wash: Apply 5ml of bee's honey mixed with a bit of lemon juice on face before washing.

  5. Smooth face: Apply a tbsp of honey mixed with one egg white, 1 tbsp of glycerin and 1/4 cup of flour, as a firming mask on face and rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

  6. Soft face: Clean face and apply two tbsp of honey mixed with 1/3 cup of finely ground oatmeal and a teaspoon of rosewater. Remove with a warm soft cloth after 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

  7. Facial cleansing scrub: Scrub face softly with 5ml of bee's honey mixed with 5g of powdered almond seeds and then rinse.

  8. Cracked lips: Apply honey directly on cracked lips, before sleep for better results

  9. Pimple treatment: Apply honey directly on pimples

  10. Lotion treatment for skin dry patches: Apply 5ml of bee's honey mixed with 5ml of pure olive oil and 2,5ml of lemon juice on skin and rinse after 15 minutes.


Honey has been used for various beauty purposes since the.ancient times. Whether you choose to include it in your diet or in your daily beauty routine, or both, know that you’re giving yourself a gift of nature. Don’t overdo it just because it’s natural, and always keep in mind any allergies you might have, since honey is known to be a potential allergenic food.

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Greek HoneyKate Gerhoney