
Since humans discovered honey 9000 years ago, we’ve been eating it because it’s delicious, as well as for its health and medicinal benefits. Honey is a natural sweetener but it also adds flavor and nutritional benefits too. So why only use it for yourself? Health benefits of honey applies to dogs as well! See how it can keep you and your pup in good health.

Health Benefits of Honey

Benefits of honey for dogs and humans are similar. Honey contains a good source of antioxidants which help protect your body from free radicals. Free radicals contribute to the aging process and the development of chronic diseases. So honey will keep you and your pup younger and healthier too!


Honey is also known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its effectiveness as an antibacterial or antifungal depends on the honey, but it’s a great for all sorts of infections. Honey naturally contains hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic which can kill bacteria and fungus. This happens by breaking down glucose sugars through an enzyme found in honey, glucose oxidase. Honey has strong antiseptic properties, by sanitizing and promoting recovery without harming any healing tissues. Due to its thickness, it also helps create a protective barrier to the affected areas from any harmful bacteria that skin may come in contact with. So consider using it as topical medication if you dog gets a scratch, bite or wound. It will keep the irritation from getting infected.

Do you or your dog need an energy boost? Avoid that mid-day slump with a sweet snack to energize your pup. A tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories, but don’t worry about them gaining weight. Honey contains a high amount of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which makes for a very healthy treat.

Honey can alleviate seasonal allergies for you or your pup. Seasonal allergies can be reduced and even eliminated by slowly introducing local honey to your dog’s diet. It will fortify its immune system against environmental allergens, because it contains the same pollens that exist in the environment you live around. Local raw wildflower honey is the best in this case, since it contains pollen from various flowers and blossoms close to the area you live in. But keep in mind to always consult your veterinarian when introducing new foods to your dog.

Other health benefits of honey for our dogs include relief from digestive problems such as indigestion, diarrhea or constipation, as well as the canine infectious tracheobronchitis, a respiratory infection commonly known as kennel cough.

Health Benefits of Honey for your Dog, There Are a Few Reasons to Avoid it


As with all natural foods and remedies, we should always keep in mind that some organic compounds may have opposite effects instead of the health benefits of honey we want to achieve. We will say it again, always seek medical advice before you introduce anything long term, both for yourself or for your dog. For example, dogs can develop diabetes type 1, in which case honey will spike blood sugar levels and pose significant risks to our little friends.

Avoid giving honey to your dog in large quantities. The recommended daily honey intake for dogs is 1 tablespoon for large dogs, half a tablespoon for medium sized dogs and even less than that for smaller sized pups.

Puppies should not be given honey either, as their immune system is not strong enough and their digestive system is not yet fully developed.

In conclusion, honey is a wonderful gift of nature that can be used safely in most cases, offering amazing health benefits for our dogs, from healing wounds and skin irritations, to digestion relief and energy boosting. It is recommended to offer it plain in order for all its nutrients to remain intact and to boost your furry friend’s overall health, but you can also bake some nice treats to give them once in a while as a special reward for good behavior.

Please visit our shop for amazing wildflower honey!